At Widdups we take our environmental responsibilities seriously and have taken various steps to minimise our impact.
Our paper is biodegradable, recyclable and the raw material is sourced from carefully managed European renewable resources where more trees are planted for the future than are felled each year.
For more information on how the sustainable forests of one of our paper suppliers is managed see www.upmforestlife.com
Any surplus paper from our manufacturing processes is either reused as box packing paper or recycled.
Water based inks are used wherever possible in our printing processes.
The films we use are completely recyclable, if incinerated no toxic gases are emitted and if disposed of in a landfill they are totally ground water neutral.
Our polythene carrier bags are made from biodegradable plastics and we have introduced a range of reusable carrier bags such as the Natural Jute and Non-Woven Polypropylene bags.
We are always searching for new, environmentally friendly materials and will add these items to our range as and when they become available.